Our Environmental & Sustainability Policy

Reflex Office Products Ltd is committed to undertaking business practice in accordance with the principle of environmental sustainability. We will strive to ensure that commercial decisions we make consider the impacts on the local and global environment and thereby minimise any adverse environmental impacts from our operations. As part of our commitment, our Environmental Management System is annually audited and ISO 9001 registered.

We do this by:

  • Continuously improving our environmental, social and economic performance to maximise our positive and minimise our adverse effects on the environment and society
  • Complying with all relevant legislation & regulations
  • Actively encouraging & monitoring responsible environmental, social and economic performance by our suppliers & contractors

Raising awareness of and encouraging action for sustainability amongst our staff contractors and customers. We are committed to continuous improvement to reduce, re-use, recycle and create sustainable solutions.

Waste minimisation and recycling

  • Where possible, waste is recycled – paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, tin and aluminium.
  • We collect and return toner cartridges to suppliers for re-use and support charity toner appeals.
  • We reduce printing and paper waste through monitoring systems.
  • We minimise paper use by storing information digitally rather than on paper.
  • Our “minimal replacement strategy”, extends the life of all computers by using old machines as warehouse terminals, servers, or mining them for spares.
  • All non-recyclable electrical equipment is disposed of responsibly.


  • Our fleet is regularly maintained, and delivery routes regularly monitored and updated to ensure maximum fuel efficiency.
  • All our drivers are advised of recommended driving strategies for reducing fuel consumption.


  • All non-critical equipment is switched off when not needed.
  • Low energy electrical equipment is preferred for purchase.
  • Rechargeable batteries are used for all mobile appliances.


  • We encourage the development of good environmental practice by promoting our policy to staff, customers and suppliers and keeping them informed of progress in environmental performance.
  • We comply with environmental legislation, regulations and government guidance.
  • We constantly seek to improve our environmental performance through our Environmental Management System, which includes monitoring systems, target setting, annual reports and policy reviews.
  • Wherever financially viable we give preference to suppliers with the least environmental impact.

This policy is fully supported by senior management and has been agreed with employees.

The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually by the Management Committee.